Arne Noyer
2015-09-09 12:19:10 UTC
Hello all!
I have exported a ReqIF file using IBM DOORS, opened it with ProR / RMF / formalmind Studio and saved it. Afterwards, when re-importing the ReqIF file in DOORS, DOORS is unable to identify, which ReqIF-Definition (DOORS Configuration for the ReqIF Export) has to be used. Thereby, it is not possible to update an existing DOORS document when the ReqIF file was opened and saved with ProR.
I have observed, that after opening the ReqIF file with ProR, there are some minor changes in the TOOL-EXTENSION section of DOORS.
Especially, a prefix "doors" in xml tags is replaced with "xmlns" like this:
Before opening with ProR:
After opening with ProR:
<SPECIFICATION-REF>_c73b196c-5836-49c1-9d99-57a6433ba446</SPECIFICATION-REF> </xmlns_1.0:MODULE-DEFINITION>
I think this results in the issues when re-importing the ReqIF file to DOORS. When copying the TOOL-EXTENSION section from the file, before opening it with ProR and pasting it in the newly saved file, everything works fine, again. Please contact me, if you want to have the complete ReqIF files as an example.
Is there any way to prevent RMF and/or ProR from making such changes?
Best regards
I have exported a ReqIF file using IBM DOORS, opened it with ProR / RMF / formalmind Studio and saved it. Afterwards, when re-importing the ReqIF file in DOORS, DOORS is unable to identify, which ReqIF-Definition (DOORS Configuration for the ReqIF Export) has to be used. Thereby, it is not possible to update an existing DOORS document when the ReqIF file was opened and saved with ProR.
I have observed, that after opening the ReqIF file with ProR, there are some minor changes in the TOOL-EXTENSION section of DOORS.
Especially, a prefix "doors" in xml tags is replaced with "xmlns" like this:
Before opening with ProR:
After opening with ProR:
<SPECIFICATION-REF>_c73b196c-5836-49c1-9d99-57a6433ba446</SPECIFICATION-REF> </xmlns_1.0:MODULE-DEFINITION>
I think this results in the issues when re-importing the ReqIF file to DOORS. When copying the TOOL-EXTENSION section from the file, before opening it with ProR and pasting it in the newly saved file, everything works fine, again. Please contact me, if you want to have the complete ReqIF files as an example.
Is there any way to prevent RMF and/or ProR from making such changes?
Best regards